Welcome to We are glad that you visited, and hope this will enhance/encourage your walk with the Lord. Our sole desire is to either introduce you to, or bring you into a deeper relationship with the Creator of all things, the Lord Jesus Christ.  If you have any questions, ideas, or would like to contact us, please use the hot keys on the lower left column, and we'll get back with you as soon as possible.  Thanks again for visiting, and please tell all of your friends and family about us!  

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You are also invited to visit our family website at Thanks again for visiting.
Have a great day!


What They're Saying

"These are some of the hottest "Gospel  presenting T-Shirts" on the market.  They are very thought provoking, and that's what makes your trip to the store worth while. When you're standing in line you can share the greatest gift ever given, without even saying a word. But please make sure your lifestyle backs it up."

" Hundreds have read my shirts over the years, which has afforded many opportunities to share the Gospel."
-Todd, Florida